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& Inspiration 

Open your heart, find your inspiration and step peacefully into the journey of life. Experience the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit your way. 

Find your Inspiration

Spiritual stability cannot be achieved overnight. It is a personal ongoing relationship with God, with Jesus at the centre. As with any relationship, it requires communication, understanding and respect in order for it to thrive. Sunday worship and reading the Bible create a sound grounding and connection to your faith, yet it's good to explore the infinite resources available in order to build your own relationship with God, your community and the world around you.


Explore the links below and find you inspiration. Please send us your recommendations via our contact form

St Paul's Services

Come along to our weekly church services and engage with your faith and your local community. Alternatively, you can watch live streamed services on our Facebook and YouTube pages. 


Services are led by our leadership team and supported by readings from members of the congregation.   

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